Spirit Journeys: Freeing the Soul in this Life and Beyond


spiritjourneysBy Steven and Marcia Rogat

Also available on Amazon Kindle entitled Ghosts in the Mist: A Healing Dialogue with Spirit

Step into the world of restless ghosts and earthbound souls who have not yet found a peaceful reunion with Spirit. Their personal stories will touch your heart and awaken your soul. Discover why they are here, and share in their lessons of love, communication, and forgiveness.

Join Steven and Marcia Rogat as they communicate with the dead, dying, and terminally ill, helping souls free themselves and move on toward more life. Learn how you, too, can connect with spirits and gently guide them toward completion.

Whether searching for peace with those who have already passed on, helping loved ones prepare to make the transition, or seeking guidance along your own journey, these encounters will open a pathway toward healing and inner peace.

Spirit Journeys is a book of comfort, hope, and inspiration, offering direction and encouragement to anyone seeking a greater awareness of our enduring connection with Spirit.

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Spirit Journeys: Freeing the Soul in this Life and Beyond
Creative Thought Press, 2002
ISBN# 0-9672206-2-9
Paperback; 264 pages
USA List Price: $14.95.

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Available at your local bookstore or online at Amazon. Also available on Amazon Kindle entitled Ghosts in the Mist: A Healing Dialogue with Spirit.

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“This book is a wonderful journey in understanding the nature of a soul and its yearning to be free. It is educational, informative, and beautifully spiritual. All metaphysicians should read it, for much wisdom and value will be gleaned.”
— James Van Praagh, author of Talking to Heaven and Healing Grief

“A dynamic book. Steven and Marcia are the Real thing!”
—Writer’s Digest

“Spirit Journeys encourages anyone to work with the Light when resolving issues with Earthly spirits. Your text offers wonderful, loving steps to follow when healing and releasing these entities—steps that are not found in other books concerning the subject. Thank you for this excellent and very timely book!”
— Lou Dunn Diekemper, Ph.D. Lubbock, Texas, Author

“(Spirit Journeys is) an impressive collection of personal experiences and practical reflections dealing with paranormal phenomena …built on premises that are shared by virtually all of the world’s sacred traditions. You will find in this volume…powerful narratives that will challenge you, stretch you, and push the limits of your everyday world.”
— R. Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Religion, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois